The Reports Donation Sub-Menu

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The Reports Donation Sub-Menu

This page lists all of the options on the Reports ⇒ Donation sub-menu. They can also be run by using the Report Browser and drilling down into the DONATION REPORTS.


Like almost all other reports, they can be run from an automated reports script. Instructions for the arguments needed to do so from a reports script are included below the description of each report. The Name= argument for each one is always taken from the choices you drill-down through to find that report in the Report Browser.


All DonationsReports on this sub-menu list all donations with their categories, one of Sort by Name, Sort by Date or Sort by Amount. You are prompted for a range of dates to restrict these reports to, and optionally a category.
If you are displaying the donation Description field (as set in the Donations tab of Maintenance ⇒ Main Window Options), the option Sort by Date, with Description is also available. It adds in the donation description field, which is not present in the other three reports. If you want this report sorted in a different order, use the Sort button after the report is displayed.
If you are displaying the donation Eligible Amount field (as set in the Donations tab of Maintenance ⇒ Main Window Options), the option Sort by Date, All Fields is also available. It adds in the donation description, eligible amount, and advantage description fields. If you want this report sorted in a different order, use the Sort button after the report is displayed.
To run any of these from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> All Donations -> (then the name of the report as listed above)
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)
Category= (All, or a donation category name)
Current DonorReports on this sub-menu list individual or summarized donations for just the currently displayed donor on the program's main window.
Current Year Details lists all donations for the current donor in the current working year, plus a summary by category.
All Years Details lists all donations for the current donor in all years.
History (Annual Totals) shows the total amount that the current donor has given in each year for which you have data in the database.
To run any of these from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> Current Donor -> (then the name of the report as listed above)


ReceiptedLists all receipted donations, sorted by date then name. If you are showing the Eligible Amount field for donations, that is also included in this report. You are prompted for a range of dates.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> Receipted
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)


Non-Receiptable /

Pre-ReceiptedLists all donations that are not eligible to be included in a receipt, because their Category is "Non-Receiptable" or starts with "NR " or ends with " NR", or their Cheque # / Paid By value is "Non-Receiptable" or "Pre-Receipted", or the donor's Category 1 or Category 2 value is "Non-Receiptable" or starts with "NR " or ends with " NR". If you are showing the Eligible Amount field for donations, that is also included in this report. You are prompted for a range of dates. Sorted by date then name. See Non-Receiptable Donors and Donations for more details.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> Non-Receiptable / Pre-Receipted
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)


Unreceipted Lists all donations that have not yet received a receipt but could receive one, sorted by name then date. (It omits any donations that are Non-Receiptable, and thus listed in the previous report) This can be used to identify missed donations that should be receipted if you are using Receipt ⇒ Filtered Donors rather than Receipt ⇒ All Donors to issue the receipts. If you are showing the Eligible Amount field for donations, that is also included in this report. For Canadian users, also shows which donations are missing Descriptions needed on the receipts (for Gifts in Kind, or donations with Advantage). This same report can also be accessed through the menu option Receipt ⇒ Unreceipted Donations Report.
To run this from an automated reports script, the sole argument to RunReport() is:
Name= Donation Reports -> Unreceipted


Note: Between them, the previous three reports list all donations, if run for the entire year.


Summary by Date

 and CategoryGives a summary by category of all donations, subtotalled by date, for a specified range of dates. This might be used to help reconcile with your accounting program.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> Summary by Date and Category
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)


Summary by CategoryGives just a summary of all donations by their donation category. You may specify a range of dates to report on. This includes a count of the number of donations in each category, and the number of donors giving donations in each category. It also has a total at the bottom, labelled "Total Distinct Donors across all Categories", which is the total number of donors with donations. That is often different from the sum of the "# Donors" column that it appears underneath, because some donors may have given in more than one category, so if the "# Donors" column had simply been summed, some donors would have been counted twice.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> Summary by Category
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)


Summary by Paid ByLike Summary by Category above, but it is summarized by the value in the Cheque # / Paid By field for the donations, not by their Category.
If just a cheque number is entered into the Cheque # / Paid By field, either "Check" or "Cheque" will be used as the value to summarize on, depending on your location, as set in Maintenance ⇒ Receipt Options. It will also include values that include the word "Check" or "Cheque" plus other things, like "Check #123", in the same grouping.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> Summary by Paid By
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)


Summary by Dollar

 RangesGives the counts and totals for the previous and current year of the donors whose total donations for the selected range of dates in that year are within certain dollar ranges, like $0.01 - $50, $50.01 - $100, etc. You are prompted for a range of dates to restrict this report to, and an optional donation category. You are also prompted with a window that allows you to change the dollar ranges used. The report shows the percentages of each year's totals that the counts and totals in each group form. Note: Only dollar ranges for which there are donors whose total donations are within that range are shown on the report. The report can be filtered to restrict it by values of the Member/Envelope #'s, the two donor categories, the Groups field, or the six Other Info fields.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> Summary by Dollar Ranges
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)
Category= (All, or a donation category name)
This report does not allow you to specify the specific the dollar ranges to use, when you run it from a script. It will use the last dollar ranges that you used when running the report normally from the Reports menu or Report Browser.


By Donor By

  CategoryLists totals of donations for each donor, by category of donation, for both the current and the previous year. You can drill-down on total fields for donations to see a detail report of the donations that make up that total.
To run this from an automated reports script, the sole argument to RunReport() is:
Name= Donation Reports -> By Donor By Category


Details, One Page Per

  DonorSimilar to the actual receipts - lists all donation details (including the Descriptions), plus a summary by category, for each donor, one page per donor. Prompts for a range of dates of donations. This could be used (for instance) to hand out quarterly reports on givings to donors. See Statements and Receipts for further discussion of how this can be done using this report or the next one, or via mail merge if you want to change the format. This report can also be sent to donors who have email addresses by email - see Emailing Receipts and Statements for details.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> Details, One Page Per Donor
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)


Category Totals, One

  Page per Donor Lists totals by donation category, for each donor, one page per donor. Prompts for a range of dates of donations. This could be used (for instance) to hand out quarterly reports on givings to donors. See Statements and Receipts for further discussion of how this can be done using this report or the previous one, or via mail merge if you want to change the format. This report can also be sent to donors who have email addresses by email - see Emailing Receipts and Statements for details.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Donation Reports -> Category Totals, One Page Per Donor
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)


Note: The three One Date reports (Details, Details with Member/Envelope # and Summary) that used to be on this sub-menu were moved to the new Reports ⇒ One Date Donation sub-menu as of version 3.33, along with two new additional One Date reports. They were then consolidated into a single menu option, with a window for picking more specific options, as of release 4.31.



This topic was last edited on May 30, 2024