The Reports Fiscal Year Sub-Menu

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The Reports Fiscal Year Sub-Menu

This page lists all of the options on the Reports ⇒ Fiscal Year sub-menu. They can also be run by using the Report Browser and drilling down into the FISCAL YEAR REPORTS.


The Reports Fiscal Year sub-menu includes reports on the total donations per donor within a fiscal year, individual donations within a fiscal year, or other summaries of donations within the fiscal year. You can also design your own fiscal year-based reports in the Reports Custom Reports window.


Before creating any fiscal year reports, you need to set up the fiscal year start's month and day in the Maintenance Organization Info window.


If your fiscal year is the same as the calendar year, the reports in this sub-menu are not available, because they merely duplicate the features of other existing reports, on the Reports Donor sub-menu or the Reports Donation sub-menu. These reports are also not visible if you have set up Fiscal Year Data Entry and Receipting, and are in a working year that is a fiscal year, because in that case the regular reports are for fiscal years anyways.


Please see Fiscal Years in DONATION to fully understand how the program deals with calendar and fiscal years.


Like almost all other reports, these ones can be run from an automated reports script. Instructions for the arguments needed to do so from a reports script are included below the description of each report. The Name= argument for each one is always taken from the choices you drill-down through to find that report in the Report Browser. Named DateRange= arguments used with these reports will often use the named ranges for fiscal years, like This Fiscal Year. You may also find that some scripts that work with certain DateRange= arguments when today's date is before your fiscal year start (so that today is within the program's view of what the current fiscal year is) will have to be changed to have different DateRange= arguments when today's date is after your fiscal year start (so that today is not within the program's view of what the current fiscal year is).


The following are the reports on the Fiscal Year sub-menu:


Donor Totals, Sort by NameLists all donors with their total donations for the current fiscal year, and their Donor Category 1 and 2 values. A selection window is first displayed, allowing you to specify a range of dates within the current fiscal year, and optionally only one Donation Category, to include in the report.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Donor Totals, Sort by Name
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)
Category= (All, or a donation category name)


Donor Totals, Sort by AmountLists donors with donations during the current fiscal year, with their donation totals, and their Donor Category 1 and 2 values. Sorted descending by the total donation amount. A selection window is first displayed, allowing you to specify a range of dates within the current fiscal year, and optionally only one Donation Category, to include in the report.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Donor Totals, Sort by Amount
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)
Category= (All, or a donation category name)


Donor Totals,

   Sort by Member/Envelope #Lists donors with donations during the current fiscal year, with their member/envelope numbers and donation totals. Sorted by member/envelope number for donors with such a number, then by name for all other donors. A selection window is first displayed, allowing you to specify a range of dates within the current fiscal year, and optionally only one Donation Category, to include in the report.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Donor Totals, Sort by Member/Env #
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)
Category= (All, or a donation category name)


Donation Details, Sort by NameGives the details of all donations during the current fiscal year, sorted by donor name. A selection window is first displayed, allowing you to specify a range of dates within the current fiscal year, and optionally only one Donation Category, to include in the report.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Donation Details, Sort by Name
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)
Category= (All, or a donation category name)


Donation Details, Sort by DateGives the details of all donations during the current fiscal year, sorted by donation date. A selection window is first displayed, allowing you to specify a range of dates within the current fiscal year, and optionally only one Donation Category, to include in the report.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Donation Details, Sort by Date
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)
Category= (All, or a donation category name)


Receipted DonationsLists all receipted donations, sorted by date then name. If you are showing the Eligible Amount field for donations, that is also included in this report. You are prompted for a range of dates within the current fiscal year to include in the report.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Receipted Donations
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)


Non-Receiptable /

Pre-Receipted DonationsLists all donations that are not eligible to be included in a receipt, because their Category is "Non-Receiptable" or starts with "NR " or ends with " NR", or their Cheque # / Paid By value is "Non-Receiptable" or "Pre-Receipted", or the donor's Category 1 or Category 2 value is "Non-Receiptable" or starts with "NR " or ends with " NR". If you are showing the Eligible Amount field for donations, that is also included in this report. You are prompted for a range of dates within the current fiscal year to include in the report. Sorted by date then name. See Non-Receiptable Donors and Donations for more details.
To run this from an automated reports script, the arguments to RunReport() are:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Non-Receiptable / Pre-Receipted Donations
DateRange=, or StartDate= and EndDate= (see here for more details)


Unreceipted Donations Lists all donations that have not yet received a receipt but could receive one, sorted by name then date. (It omits any donations that are Non-Receiptable, and thus listed in the previous report) This can be used to identify missed donations that should be receipted if you are using Receipt ⇒ Filtered Donors rather than Receipt ⇒ All Donors to issue the receipts. If you are showing the Eligible Amount field for donations, that is also included in this report. For Canadian users, also shows which donations are missing Descriptions needed on the receipts (for Gifts in Kind, or donations with Advantage).
To run this from an automated reports script, the sole arguments to RunReport() is:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Unreceipted Donations


Note: Between them, the previous three reports list all donations in the fiscal year, if you run them for the entire fiscal year.


Summary by CategoryGives just a summary of all donations by their donation category, for the entire current fiscal year. This includes a count of the number of donations in each category, and the number of donors giving donations in each category. It also has a total at the bottom, labelled "Total Distinct Donors across all Categories", which is the total number of donors with donations (which is often different from the sum of the "# Donors" column that it appears underneath).
To run this from an automated reports script, the sole arguments to RunReport() is:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Summary by Category


Summary by Paid ByLike Summary by Category above, but it is summarized by the value in the Cheque # / Paid By field for the donations, not by their Category. If a cheque number is entered into the Cheque # / Paid By field, either "Check" or "Cheque" will be used as the value to summarize on, depending on your location, as set in Maintenance -> Receipt Options.
To run this from an automated reports script, the sole arguments to RunReport() is:
Name= Fiscal Year Reports -> Summary by Paid By


This topic was last edited on Jun 23, 2021